Boto provides an amazing interface to AWS APIs. Here is a simple example to spin up a t1.micro sized EC2 instance of the default Amazon Linux 64 bit AMI.
fromboto.ec2.connectionimportEC2Connectionkey='aws access key'secret='aws secret access key'connection=EC2Connection(aws_access_key_id=key,aws_secret_access_key=secret)ami='ami-8e1fece7'# AMI ID of the Amazon Linux x86_64 AMI reservation=c.run_instances(ami,min_count=1,max_count=1,key_name='MyKeyPairName',instance_type='t1.micro')instance=reservation.instances[0]whileinstance.update()!='running':sleep(5)
min_count and max_count determine how many instances are to be started. By default, Amazon limits you to starting a maximum of 20 instances. If you need to start more, they require you to contact them with your use case.